The Soul Continuum.png

You’re a dot in the infinite.

In probability theory, the probability of any specific point in a continuous distribution is 0. This is because there are infinitely many possible values in a continuous distribution, so the probability of observing any specific value is infinitesimally small.

This is why instead of looking at the probability of a specific point, we often look at the probability over a region.

But what if you could directly influence the region around you, not only your single point?

What if you become a multidimensional being, the central point in helping your past, future, past lives, future lives, for you and your alternative selves?

This is exactly the idea behind this field. It will apply to them, in a personalized way, when help is requested, and respecting karma laws, a refined combination of the effects of the following fields:

The effects are very subjective. What I can say is that your life will improve as your region improves.

Start with twice a day.

Protected against reselling.