
This product is a very special creation and I’m happy to finally be able to offer it.

A general mental health field was in the works for a long time, but the draft got too long and I decided to split the project into two pieces and have fun with how the concepts would be separated, and what else I could add on top of them, once separated. This product is the first part and has, as its main basis:

The Tarot Cards: **The Sun, 9 of Cups, and 4 of Wands (details about them later).

And the patreon fields: A Life Full of Wonder and Dreams of Hope and Faith.**

The main idea is to create a solid basis of happiness, joy, success, prosperity, wishes fulfilled, and enthusiasm for the future in all areas. This is the main purpose. Supporting this, we have the following fields and effects:

The Sun short description: The Sun card symbolizes clarity, joy, and enlightenment. It's a card of unabashed positivity, signifying success, vitality, and a radiant sense of being. The child on the horseback on many Sun cards is seen as a symbol of simplicity and unburdened joy.

The 9 of Cups short description: The Nine of Cups, often called the "wish card," is associated with a sense of contentment, emotional satisfaction, and material well-being. It suggests that one's wishes or desires have been, or will soon be, realized.

The 4 of Wands short description: The Four of Wands is a card of celebration, community, and harmony. Wands in the tarot are associated with the element of fire, which relates to passion, transformation, and action. The card depicts people celebrating, with four wands forming a canopy, suggesting a happy event or a rite of passage.

They blend to create a powerful mixture of enlightenment, emotional satisfaction, and communal celebration. It’s a combination of spiritual and emotional fulfillment, the manifestation of desires, collective celebration, harmony and balance, and mastery of transformation. Overall, it represents a time of personal and communal celebration, marking significant achievements in various aspects of life.

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